Saturday, 3 January 2015

Armoured Fury unboxing incoming!

I have a plan for the next few months.
Just get something done January
French February (assemble and hopefully paint some French Napoleonics)
Malifaux March (try to get as much of my Malifaux stuff done)
Angels April (any Dark Angels still left... this is your month!)
MERCS May (I am assuming my MERCS kickstarter will have arrived by this time...)

That's all I have so far.  I'm sure I can work something out before June.  Even if it just to assume that nothing has worked and I should pack it in.


Thursday, 1 January 2015

2015. Day 2.

I think it might be time to try and take this a little more seriously than before.  So, without further ado...

The current state of Play:
I am 6 months into my Provisional Registration as a Psychologist (basically think an apprentice Psych).
My little girl is 5, turning 6.
I now own a 2014 Harley which gets ridden as often as I can actually get some time to myself.
My house still needs constant monitoring...

But the important bits!

Bolt Action:  
German army is basically done except the basing.
Belgian (British) are all still on sprues.
Armoured Fury and some extra bits are en route from Warlord.
Have a group I play with, but only semi regularly as they are a bit of a drive from me.

Black Powder:
Have some Perry's French line infantry and Hussars, and a couple of bits of Warlord stuff to make a small army, on the way.  Looking forward to a different painting experience.

Warhammer 40k:
Guard are slowly disappearing. selling off bits and pieces as I juts don't feel it anymore.
Dark angels are primarily base coated and I juts need to actually sit down and get onto it.
Orks... yeah. Still in boxes.

Mate's Kaeris crew finished.
Lady J and other Guild stuff base coated, need to sit down and just paint.
Friekorps undercoated.  Still need to decide on a scheme for them though.

So much sitting around.  So much to do.

Bought into the kickstarter for the board/mini game last year.  Just waiting for it to arrive. Between a mate and myself we have pretty much every faction coming... so that should be awesome!!

So that's it currently.  My aim is a weekly update.  And I want to actually post some pictures of what I have finished, which I might try and space that out so I actually have stuff to post for a bit.

Rock on peoples!