Thursday, 13 October 2016

Alright. a year and a half later...

The state of play! Again!
Well... firstly, there really isn't much. Between all the other responsibilities, games are unfortunately few and far between. I'm hoping to start painting again soon though?

Bolt Action:
Late war Germans are basically done, I have some more riflemen I figured needing painting, and a few bits of early war stuff to do. My Brits are still in the box, although now I have a pile of commando heads? The sock hat ones. My NZ desert rats are mostly still unassembled. I want to get a couple of 25pdrs, an MMG and a Mortar though...

I haven't even looked for so long...
The Dark Angels are going to get sold though. I found some old Attilan Rough Riders, and so am going to build a themed winter guard army out of them and Vostroyans.

Currently I'm 'backing' the Nickstarter for the Barbarians... so looking forward to that!

Got all my MERCS minis. Painting up the CCC and USCR first - hopefully for some MERCS 2.0, but initially for Recon (see below)

Yep. Still in boxes.

Painted, almost based... A fair bit of Guild, and some Arcanists. I should really get them finished and photo'ed... there isn't much left to do on them...

In a campaign, so that's fun. We only get to play every three months or so, so that's not so much...

Recon - dungeoncrawl style in near future corporate espionage set in the MERCS world. Love it.
A fantasy dungeon crawler got back on kickstarter, hopefully that's not too far away.
Exploding Kittens, Blood rage (love that game), Love Letter Batman, trying to get hold of Saboteur, Resistance and Ultimate Werewolf.

Kid friendly?
Have Mice and Mystics and Tailfeathers... really need to get myself organised so I can play those with my daughter...

I think that's it? I'll try to get some photos in the next week or so...

Monday, 10 October 2016

Oh good gigiddy!!

My last update was January LAST YEAR?!?!??! Goes to show time flies when you are super busy, stressed and sometimes lose the will to live.

Proper update this week. Promise.