June 2019.
Well. Shit.
If nothing else, as I occasionally find this, it is actually more like a journal. I get to see what I was doing/planning/working on year upon year. So...
Current state of play.
Non-Gaming. Daughter turned 10 about 2 weeks ago. I am co-hosting a podcast about masculinity in the modern age, and what it (possibly) means to be a man. I am a registered Psychologist in Private Practice. I am a Red 3 in Taekwondo (so about a year off being black belt). Attending a high intensity training group twice a week. Still living in a house that needs constant upkeep.
40k: Pretty much off the radar currently. Sold the Vostroyans. Bought Praettorian heads. Have a full tank platoon sitting assembled and ready for some paint. It'll get there, but totally not high on the priority list currently.
Frostgrave: Bones 4 kickstarter arrives shortly (like in the next week or so). Boom. Instant wizard crews and wandering monsters. Will grab some 3d printed terrain for that from a local printer, and good times!
Malifaux: Sold the Friekorps. Have completed both the mates Arcanist crew, and a pile of Guild. Only terrain to go for that.
MERCS: Nothing. Frankly, it's a bit of a dead system at the moment, so I want to paint them up, but there is no urgency.
Black Powder: Turned into Sharp Practice 2, have both a French and British army assembled, based and ready for some paint. French officers have been painted.
Bolt Action: Germans are finished. DAK and Desert Rats are next. I have a full table of WW2 terrain, so that is also good.
DnD: Just not happening at the moment.
Star Wars Legion: The next "Oh yeah" game for me. About to buy in. Soooo looking forward to it. Gamer ADD strikes again!!
X-Wing: I haz some. They are still Version 1. Might try to get the daughter into it, just for funz.
Test of Honour: Bought it, never even tried it. Too many systems, not enough time or opponents. Gotta pick my game options now...
I think that's it for the current state of play!