So. April 2013. I am almost a year and a half through my part time study (and struggling), have a fair few Malifaux crews, a sizable Imperial Guard Army, an alright sized Dark Angels force, some unassembled Orks, Bolt Action U.S, and German armies (still unassembled, and some still en route from England).
I still have to get rid of my High elves, but I am thinking about getting them out real cheap. Just to be rid of them.
I have done some gamer reflection and have to begun to wonder if my IG are really the army I want (hence the DA and Orks waiting in the wings), and have been getting some relatively regular Malifaux games in against a mate at work. We use paper and bases (not allowed to bring in miniatures or buildings to my workplace). We have a game coming up in about a week. I should really start taking photos...
I also realise that no-one knows... or probably cares... about this blog. I figure I'll keep writing it and eventually when I start actually doing some gaming stuff I will tell people about it (the blog that is) on Facebook or other forums/groups I am in then.
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